Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnosis is an excellent choice if you are looking to release blocks that are holding you back for living your most fulfilling life. This style of hypnosis allows you to deeply relax and focus on your inner experience while remaining completely aware and comfortable during your session. You choose your goal, we identify the patterns, and replace them with positive alternatives while in a safe, relaxing, and peaceful hypnotic state.

BENEFITS include:

  • Perfect for those new to hypnosis

  • Clinically proven effective

  • Ideal for focusing on one goal or issue at a time

  • Allows client to experience hypnosis without the need to verbally interact

Angelaria Healing Studio, Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy, Angelaria

The TCH Experience


Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy at Angelaria Healing Studio is an immersive therapeutic encounter that transcends the ordinary boundaries of the psyche. It is a modality that integrates traditional clinical hypnotherapy techniques with a transpersonal approach, addressing not only the mind and body but also the spiritual dimensions of the self.

A Journey Beyond the Self: This form of hypnotherapy invites you on an inward odyssey that extends beyond the ego, exploring the deeper aspects of consciousness. It is here, in the vast landscape of the subconscious, that profound healing and self-discovery take place.

Therapeutic Alliance: The experience is anchored in the therapeutic alliance between practitioner and client, a partnership built on trust, respect, and mutual intent. The therapist serves as a guide, facilitating the journey with skill and empathy, ensuring a safe and supportive passage through the inner realms.

Holistic Integration: Angelaria’s approach to Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy is holistic, considering all facets of the individual’s experience. It is a process that harmonizes the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual, fostering a sense of wholeness and well-being.

Empowerment Through Insight: The therapy empowers clients by uncovering insights that lie buried beneath the surface of conscious awareness. These revelations can lead to transformative shifts in perception, behavior, and emotional responses.

Tailored to the Individual: Recognizing the uniqueness of each individual, sessions are tailored to meet specific therapeutic goals. Whether seeking to overcome personal challenges, enhance well-being, or pursue spiritual growth, the therapy is adapted to the contours of the individual’s journey.

The Outcome: Participants emerge from the Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy experience with a renewed sense of self, equipped with new perspectives and tools for navigating life’s complexities. It is an academic yet approachable path to self-mastery and inner peace, offered in the nurturing environment of Angelaria Healing Studio.


Angelaria Healing Studio, SEH, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Grief

Why Choose Hypnotherapy?

Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy stands at the intersection of transformative healing and profound self-discovery. At Angelaria Healing Studio, this therapeutic modality is revered for its ability to delve beyond the conscious mind and tap into the deeper currents of the psyche. Here’s why choosing Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy can be a pivotal step in your personal journey:

Deep-Seated Healing: This form of hypnotherapy reaches into the core of the subconscious, addressing issues at their root. It’s not just about symptom relief; it’s about fostering lasting change.

Expansion of Consciousness: Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy facilitates an expansion of consciousness, offering a broader perspective on life’s challenges and one’s place in the world.

Integration of the Self: By bridging the conscious and subconscious minds, this therapy promotes an integration of the self, leading to a more cohesive and harmonious inner life.

Empowerment: Clients are empowered to become active participants in their healing process, gaining tools and techniques to maintain and extend the benefits of therapy into their daily lives.

Spiritual Growth: For those on a spiritual path, Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy provides a space to explore and enhance their spiritual development in a grounded and practical way.

Tailored to You: Angelaria Healing Studio prides itself on tailoring the therapeutic experience to the individual, ensuring that each session is aligned with your personal goals and aspirations.

Choosing Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy at Angelaria Healing Studio means embarking on a journey of healing that is as deep and boundless as the mind itself. It’s a choice to explore the full spectrum of your inner world, in a setting that supports and nurtures your entire being.