Expand Your Awareness

Expanding your awareness begins with the simple practice of connecting with your Soul, your true essence, your divinity.

It is a form of art, a song, a dance, a sacred ritual.

When you simply practice the art of quieting the mind and opening the heart, you are creating sacred space for your Soul’s voice to be present. This voice speaks only truth and offers valuable wisdom and insights on how to move forward in your beautiful life.

Your Soul is your best guide and the divine Creator of the reality in which you exist.

Soul Empowering Hypnosis sessions (for example), allow your Soul to take the lead. YOU are the best teammate in achieving your dreams and creating your true reality. During your session you may connect with the energy of your Soul, ask profound questions, and receive the knowledge and guidance your Soul holds within.

Unlock Inner Peace: Techniques for Expanding Awareness






How do I listen to my Soul? It’s easy.

All you need is your breath and silence.

If you would like, let’s begin with this exercise.

Dedicate the next 5 minutes to simply just being.

Find a comfortable, quiet space.

You may sit or lay down, whatever feels most comfortable.

Close your eyes, place your hand on your heart and breathe.

Allowing the space around you to soften, feeling the energy surrounding your physical body.


Appreciate the nourishing oxygen supporting you, grounding you.

Allow your body to relax, deeper with every breath.

Now imagine a bright white light glowing within your heart center, growing bigger and brighter with every breath you take.

Simply expanding your heart, your love, your awareness, your divine connection to everything that is.

Feel the love and listen to the guidance of your Soul.

End by thanking the Universe and your Soul for sharing in this sacred space.

And so it is.

This simple ritual requires nothing but YOU

How beautiful, right?

At Angelaria, we’re not just guides; we’re fellow seekers on this enchanting voyage. 

Unlock deeper insights into your soul’s journey with soul empowering hypnosis, a transformative experience alongside regression therapy.